
diana chapman
Sun, 20 Apr 2003 16:01:43 PDT
Dear Janet and Oliver:

Welcome to the list!

Funny you should mention Anemones, because I was walking in the woods this
morning and saw masses of what I think is Anemone deltoidea, along with the
absolutely-wonderful-but-so-slow-from-seed Clintonia andrewsiana.  It seems
a bit early for the Clintonia, but this is a different population from the
one I have collected seed from in the past. Trillium ovatum is still in
bloom, but Scoliopus bigelovii is just about finished.  The anemone is white
with very prominent gold stamens.

Telos Rare Bulbs
Northern California coast, mild wet winters, almost frost-free/cool summers

----- Original Message -----
From: "Janet Galpin and Oliver Patterson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2003 3:30 PM
Subject: [pbs] Introduction

> Thank you for your welcome to the list and invitation to introduce myself.
> I garden in South Lincolnshire, UK. I moved to a 2.5 acre garden five
> years a go and have been gradually converting some of the meadow land to
> garden. The garden is in very flat Fenland and consists of fertile fen
> silt. We are surrounded by high quality agricultural land and in fact
> our local town, Spalding, is famous for commercial bulb-growing: tulips,
> etc
> I grow almost anything. As well as bulbs, I love growing trees from seed
> and also spend quite a lot of time and energy on vegetables. However,
> one of my main passions is shade-loving plants and I am trying slowly to
> collect more Erythroniums and Trilliums. I discovered this list when
> looking for information about Erythronium tuolumnense and following a
> browser link to your site.
> Another very specific interest I have is Anemones, and I would be
> interested to know whether there are any Anemones native in your area.
> Janet Galpin, Lincolnshire, UK, Av min temp -6
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