Bulbs for Continental climates, Upper Midwest--TOW

Russell Stafford, Odyssey Bulbs odysseybulbs@earthlink.net
Wed, 23 Apr 2003 07:22:45 PDT
I second Mark McDonough's remarks on behalf of species tulips.  As with 
many of our bulbs, we grow a sampling of these in standard black poly 
nursery containers and a standard coarse commercial potting mix, to verify 
their identity.  They stay under cover the first winter, but after that are 
largely on their own, protected from the cold only by snow and from the 
heat only by dappled shade, and fertilized and weeded rarely if ever.  Yet, 
they often rebloom in following years (species that have done so include T. 
schrenkii, T. tarda, T. vvedenskyi, T. greigii, and T. agenensis).  In the 
ground, T. praestans, T. kaufmanniana, and other species persist and bloom 
for at least several years.  I will be testing many species over the next 
few years.

A few comments on "marginally hardy" bulbs.  Eucomis autumnalis and 
Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Green Goddess' have wintered here for several 
years.  I'm certain some Agapanthus would, but I haven't tried them -- 
yet.  Galtonia candicans winters and makes a good 
summer-bloomer.  Cardiocrinum giganteum has flowered here, weathering our 
late spring frosts and summer heat.  Quite a few others I'd like to discuss 
-- perhaps later when I have a little more time.

Keep in mind that we're in the lea of Lake Michigan, with USDA zone 6 
temperatures and lake-effect cloud-cover and snow.


 > most Tulipa are a waste of time
> > and money
>[presumably in terms of Jim's climate in Indiana]
>Jim, how about the small species Tulips?

Russell Stafford
Odyssey Bulbs
8984 Meadow Lane, Berrien Springs, Michigan

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