Winter sent us a small reminder as March marched out that all was not over. Temperatures in the mid 20s Fahrenheit and snow squalls. The ground is still white today (1 April.) Interestingly, those tulips and daffodils that are emerging in the garden are stiff but not limp. Those pots of bulbs coaxed into recent bloom (slow forcing in unheated garage with temperatures just above freezing) and now finished with their performance - I'd put them outside the front door for planting out and they are as limp as overcooked spaghetti. So clearly the advanced growth that was somewhat sheltered is not as able to cope as those bulbs now growing in a more timely manner. Allium 'Purple Sensation' is emerging in the garden, which I find earlier than expected. Narcissus are hastening into bloom, making up for lost time when under the icy snow - 'Dutch Master' (aka 'King Alfred'), 'Rijnveld's Early Sensation', an unnamed pseudonarcissus t type (petals cupped slightly forward) that was a rescue from a burned out house, and dainty little 'Mustard Seed'. Galanthus are finishing, Leucojum vernum ditto, Scilla mitschenkoana (why are name changes always to something longer and more difficult to spell/ pronounce?), Cyclamen coum, etc. Encouraging, on this snowy first of April. Judy, in the Garden State