New member introduces himself (again!)

lizz hunt
Wed, 30 Apr 2003 13:15:22 PDT
Dear all
I tried to send this message last night but I think I sent it to the wrong address! I just hope I have not unsubscribed myself.
My name is Ian Hunt and I live in Derbyshire in the UK. By profession I am a gardener, being the Assistant Head Gardener at Hardwick Hall for the National Trust. My main bulb interest lies with the South American members of the Alliaceae, mainly Ipheions, Nothoscordums and Tristagmas but I grow many other bulbs. I am also the keeper of the NCCPG National Collection of Ipheions here in the UK.
I would very much like to hear from like-minded people or from anyone on the subject of South American bulbs or bulbs in general. I hope you will reply if just to let me know thatI have finally sent this to the right address!
I look forward to hearing from you all in the future.


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