Growing Tender Bulbs in Cold Climates--Tow
Mon, 07 Apr 2003 11:26:01 PDT
Hi all,

I'm in sunny Riverside, certainly NOT a cold climate.  But I'm very interested 
in this topic, and hope all of you in the big chill will have a lot to say.  
I'm a grad student in history at the University of CA, Riverside.  I'll go on 
the job market again next year (this year didn't work so well!).  Given the 
various economic challenges, many of our nation's universities are underfunded 
and getting a job is difficult.  

That means that when I do get a job offer, I'll take it!!!  And that means that 
my growing collection of South African and other Mediterranean bulbs might have 
a big move to make.  So I'll be saving all the various tips for protecting 
tender bulbs in cold climates.  I'm going to save & study Mark's introduction, 
and I do hope to hear from more of you.  Even if you're just maintaining a 
small greenhouse, please chime in.  All advice appreciated!

Thanks in anticipation,
Riverside, CA, roughly zone 9

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