Dear Doug, Oops, you got me there. You'd think that someone writing in Fremontia which is the journal for the California Native Plant Society (for those who do not know) would get it right. I am sorry if something I shared with you has misled you. Here is a reference from the new Jepson web site that lists the names for Dichelostemma.… The ones agreed on are: Dichelostemma capitatum (two subspecies, subsp. capitatum and subsp. pauciflorum) Dichelostemma congestum Dichelostemma ida-maia Dichelostemma multiflorum Dichelostemma volubile D. capitatum was previously identified as D. pulchellum so that one is an old synonym. You sometimes see listed D. venustum or D. x venustum which was a name for a hybrid between D. ida-maia and D. multiflorum or D. congestum but there isn't agreement about whether to accept D. venustum. Mary Sue At 07:21 PM 4/29/03 -0700, you wrote: >Mary Sue IttnerDoug Westfall msittner@mcn.org1111 Claiborne Dr. Long Beach, >CA > > > Dear Doug and all, > > > > I enjoyed seeing your picture. Although I have seen this species named as > > you have named it, I have also seen it called Dichelostemma volubile. >++++++ > >Mary Sue, > >I took the name from the copy of Fremontia that you sent to me. Vol.26:3, >July 1998. Perhaps Ive been "misled" by the "experts." > >Doug > >_______________________________________________ >pbs mailing list > >