April 2003 Archives by thread
Starting: Tue, 01 Apr 2003 04:04:49 PST
Ending: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 17:31:13 PDT
Messages: 353
- Rhodophiala pictures Matthew Gale
- pH Wayne Robinson
- Some comments on Rhodophiala Robert Hamilton
- Fwd: [pbs] Some comments on Rhodophiala Robert Hamilton
- Coping with Cold Judy Glattstein
- Rhodophiala pictures Pascal Vigneron
- Rhodophiala pictures Matthew Gale
- Rhodophiala / Habranthus Pascal Vigneron
- Coping with Cold John Lonsdale
- Coping with Cold Bonaventure W Magrys
- Coping with Cold (Bulbs for frozen soil)--TOW Bonaventure W Magrys
- Rhodophiala / Habranthus Matthew Gale
- Coping with Cold IntarsiaCo@aol.com
- Bulbocodium vernum Boyce Tankersley
- Coping with Cold Bonaventure W Magrys
- Ferraria crispa Bonaventure W Magrys
- Ferraria crispa Kelly Irvin
- Ferraria crispa Kelly Irvin
- Scilla peruviana Ann Marie
- Coping with Cold Judy Glattstein
- Rhodophiala / Habranthus Kevin D. Preuss
- Crocus image - question for Arnold NJ Arnold
- Oops! Shawn Pollard
- Coping with Cold IntarsiaCo@aol.com
- Oxalis in bloom Mary Sue Ittner
- Narcissus calcicola Rodger Whitlock
- Crocus image - question for Arnold NJ Angelo Porcelli
- Another Romulea Question Mary Sue Ittner
- Mystery bulb - rain lily - one more time Kelly Irvin
- Another Romulea Question Robin Attrill
- Rhodophiala pictures Alberto Castillo
- Commercial Messages on the list Mary Sue Ittner
- Commercial Messages on the list Kevin D. Preuss
- Narcissus calcicola pH and Crocus thomasii Rodger Whitlock
- Commercial Messages on the list ROBERT PARKER
- Pacific Bulb Society website Mary Sue Ittner
- Ferraria crispa Bonaventure W Magrys
- Tubers to trade Bonaventure W Magrys
- Rhodophiala pictures sheilab
- Fritillaria imperialis Rodger Whitlock
- Commercial Messages on the list OOPS! Harold Koopowitz
- Boophone pictures Mary Sue Ittner
- Character map sheilab
- Missing content Mary Sue Ittner
- Character map Kelly Irvin
- PBS membership Judy Glattstein
- Littonia modesta Robert Hamilton
- Pacific BX 25 Dell Sherk
- Assorted images for today Arnold
- Bellevalia pycnanta Martin and Yvonne Philippo
- Lilium brownii viridulum ROBERT PARKER
- Oxalis in bloom diana chapman
- Bellevalia pycnantha Jane McGary
- Arisaema id help Mary Sue Ittner
- New image Douglas Westfall
- Computer problem Alberto Castillo
- Growing Tender Bulbs in Cold Climates--Tow Mary Sue Ittner
- PACIFIC BX 25 CLOSED dells@voicenet.com
- Growing Tender Bulbs in Cold Climates--Tow jennifer.hildebrand@att.net
- New member welcome jennifer.hildebrand@att.net
- Growing Tender Bulbs in Cold Climates--Tow IntarsiaCo@aol.com
- TOW: Growing tender bulbs in cold climates J.E. Shields
- TOW: Growing tender bulbs in cold climates IntarsiaCo@aol.com
- New member welcome jennifer.hildebrand@att.net
- Oxalis in bloom diana chapman
- Judy's Place, Bellewood Garden Judy Glattstein
- Tender bulbs in cold Climes Floral Artistry
- Tender bulbs in cold Climes2 Floral Artistry
- Calydorea wiki page Mary Sue Ittner
- Flowers bending at the equator? Greg Pettit
- Gladiolus ochroleucus var macowanii ID? Paul Tyerman
- Morea huttonia James Waddick
- Boophone in the S.F. Bay Area Ken K
- Morea huttonia JFlintoff@aol.com
- Daffodil photo to wiki Judy Glattstein
- Growing Tender Bulbs in Cold Climates--Tow Den Wilson
- [BULBS-L] [pbs] Morea huttonia Jamie
- Tigridia Robert Hamilton
- hardiness of cyclamen Judy Glattstein
- Gladiolus ochroleucus var macowanii ID? diana chapman
- Rob Hamilton's wiki page Mary Sue Ittner
- Flowers bending at the equator? John E Bryan
- Introduction - lachenalia and cyclamen Brian Whyer
- Croft Group order - second round jennifer.hildebrand@att.net
- Gladiolus ochroleucus var macowanii ID? diana chapman
- Newbie In there Jamie
- Buying the bridge from John! Greg Pettit
- Glads and Romuleas sprouting Floral Artistry
- Sinningias Floral Artistry
- Sinningias Alberto Castillo
- (no subject) Patricia Brooks
- New Image Douglas Westfall
- Pelargonium incrassatum Mary Sue Ittner
- Sinningias Jamie
- (no subject) Jamie
- Swaven deboner. Correcting others' pronunciations Harry Dewey
- sinningias Tony Avent
- (no subject) Hamish Sloan
- names of people and plants diana chapman
- (no subject) diana chapman
- Names Patricia Brooks
- names of people and plants Kelly Irvin
- Pronunciation Jamie
- (no subject) John E Bryan
- Pelargonium incrassatum IntarsiaCo@aol.com
- Growing Tender Bulbs in Cold Climates--Tow Arnold
- Rhodophiala araucana Kelly Irvin
- Growing Tender Bulbs in Cold Climates--Tow IntarsiaCo@aol.com
- Lady clive - OOPS! Hamish Sloan
- Sinningias Bonaventure W Magrys
- Pronunciation Angelo Porcelli
- Names and pronunciations J.E. Shields
- TOW: Tender Bulbs in Cold Climates Without a Greenhouse J.E. Shields
- Clivia name Patricia Brooks
- Growing Tender Bulbs in Cold Climates--TOW Mark Wilcox
- Growing Tender Bulbs in Cold Climates--Tow Arnold
- Clivia name ROBERT PARKER
- Hymenocallis page for wiki Mary Sue Ittner
- Growing Tender Bulbs in Cold Climates--Tow Ken K
- TOW: Tender Bulbs in Cold Climates -- or in containers anywhere J.E. Shields
- Hippeastrum x-johnsonii fertility? J.E. Shields
- Hippeatrum X johnstonii fertility Alberto Castillo
- Babiana--TOW Mary Sue Ittner
- Crocus and Gymnospermium images Antennaria@aol.com
- need a name for a Hippeastrum Judy Glattstein
- need a name for a Hippeastrum Kevin D. Preuss
- need a name for a Hippeastrum Alberto Castillo
- New pic Douglas Westfall
- Rhodophiala araucana Den Wilson
- Accented Characters and Special Symbols Mark Wilcox
- Rhodophiala araucana Jamie
- Rhodophiala araucana Kelly Irvin
- Open Garden Theladygardens@aol.com
- now the hippeastrum has a name Judy Glattstein
- Growing Tender Bulbs in Cold Climates--TOW Bonaventure W Magrys
- New pic jennifer.hildebrand@att.net
- No Seattle meeting :-( jennifer.hildebrand@att.net
- Now the Hippeastrum has a name Alberto Castillo
- Babiana--TOW Mary Sue Ittner
- Babiana--TOW Patricia Brooks
- Moraea, Homeria subgroup, wiki pictures Mary Sue Ittner
- Hippeastrum solandriflorum. Den Wilson
- Another Mystery Plant Mary Sue Ittner
- Another Mystery Plant John Bryan
- Babiana--TOW IntarsiaCo@aol.com
- Lachenalia Jamie
- Signs of viruses Shawn Pollard
- Babiana--TOW IntarsiaCo@aol.com
- Babiana--TOW IntarsiaCo@aol.com
- Babiana--TOW Elizabeth Waterman
- Babiana--TOW diana chapman
- Lachenalia don journet
- Babiana--TOW IntarsiaCo@aol.com
- Fritilaria aurea Arnold
- SBLD - Jepson Online Interchange James R. Fisher
- Frittered away Jamie
- Fritilaria bloom IntarsiaCo@aol.com
- Wildflowers in bloom Mary Sue Ittner
- welcome 2 new members! jennifer.hildebrand@att.net
- Croft group order jennifer.hildebrand@att.net
- Croft group order jennifer.hildebrand@att.net
- Tulipa polychroma - images loaded to the PBS wiki Antennaria@aol.com
- Fritilaria bloom James Waddick peter maynard
- Hippeastrum vittatum Kelly Irvin
- pbs Digest, Vol 3, Issue 16 Norman Mayer
- [BULBS-L] Fritillaria J.E. Shields
- [BULBS-L] Spring Wildflower Walk Joyce Miller
- [BULBS-L] Spring Wildflower Walk diana chapman
- Notholirion thomsonianum Jane McGary
- Introduction Janet Galpin and Oliver Patterson
- Introduction diana chapman
- Introduction - anemones diana chapman
- Babiana TOW Alberto Castillo
- Introduction Arnold
- tulipa albocaerulea occulata Arnold
- Pictures on the Wiki Mary Sue Ittner
- PBS BX DONATIONS Angelo Porcelli
- Wish List David Fenwick
- Imperialis Dreaming Jamie
- Bulbs for Continental climates, Upper Midwest--TOW Mary Sue Ittner
- Tulipa humilis 'Alba Caerulea Oculata' Antennaria@aol.com
- Introduction Janet Galpin and Oliver Patterson
- Introduction - anemones Janet Galpin and Oliver Patterson
- Introduction Janet Galpin and Oliver Patterson
- Virus again Mary Sue Ittner
- Virus again jennifer.hildebrand@att.net
- Bulbs for Continental climates, Upper Midwest--TOW J.E. Shields
- Native anemones Janet Galpin and Oliver Patterson
- Anemone nemorosa Judy Glattstein
- Virus again Alberto Castillo
- Virus again Alberto Castillo
- Bulbs for Continental Climates: Upper Midwest Chuck Gleaves
- Anemone nemorosa Janet Galpin and Oliver Patterson
- Bulbs for Continental climates, Upper Midwest--TOW Antennaria@aol.com
- Bulbs for Continental climates, Upper Midwest--TOW Blee811@aol.com
- Nectaroscordum (Bulbs for Continental climates) + wiki pix Antennaria@aol.com
- When to sow seed Theladygardens@aol.com
- Nectaroscordum (Bulbs for Continental climates) Jamie
- Bulbs for Continental climates, Upper Midwest--TOW Boyce Tankersley
- Iris pictures on the wiki Mary Sue Ittner
- Bulbs for Continental climates, Upper Midwest--TOW IntarsiaCo@aol.com
- Croft group order David Sims
- Anemone x lipsiensis and other bulbs Judy Glattstein
- Tropaeolum Mary Sue Ittner
- When to sow seed Alberto Castillo
- Tropaeolum Alberto Castillo
- Tropaeolum Elizabeth Waterman
- Brunsvigia comptonii, Fritillaria persica "Ivory Tower" Bill Dijk
- Continetal climes pt. I Floral Artistry
- More Moraea (Homeria group) pictures Mary Sue Ittner
- Continetal climes pt. II Floral Artistry
- OT for Paul Patricia Brooks
- Accented Characters and Special Symbols Den Wilson
- [BULBS-L] [pbs] Continetal climes pt. II Jamie
- Homeria's Lyn Edwards
- Accented Characters and Special Symbols Ken K
- Accented Characters and Special Symbols John Lonsdale
- Tropaeolum tricolorum, Tropaeolum pentaphyllum, Worsleya rayneri Bill Dijk
- homerias Lyn Edwards
- Tropaeolum tricolorum, Tropaeolum pentaphyllum, Worsleya rayneri Patricia Brooks
- Wiki Pages from Bill Dijk Mary Sue Ittner
- Homerias Alberto Castillo
- Accented Characters and Special Symbols Mark Wilcox
- Nerines Bill Dijk
- Babiana--TOW Rachel Saunders
- Babiana--TOW Digby Boswell
- Trillium chloropetalum 'Volcano' Judy Glattstein
- TOW Nerine Part 1 Hamish Sloan
- New picture Douglas Westfall
- Nerine--TOW Mary Sue Ittner
- Mystery bulb Lyn Edwards
- Trillium chloropetalum 'Volcano' update Judy Glattstein
- New member introduces himself (again!) lizz hunt
- TOW Nerine Part 2 Hamish Sloan
- Hippeastrum miniatum Douglas Westfall
- mystery bulb-Oxalis Lyn Edwards
- Trillium chloropetalum Ernie O'Byrne
- Nerine--TOW John Ingram
Last message date:Wed, 30 Apr 2003 17:31:13 PDT
Archived on: Sat, 06 Jan 2024 10:37:36 PST