Zephyranthes fosterii

Ina Crossley klazina1@gmail.com
Fri, 15 Nov 2013 14:49:34 PST
Thank you Alberto!

I was sent seed of the pale pink form of Z. fosterii and also of the 
white form, by someone who lives there.  So far neither has flowered as 
yet as I only got them last year.

My fosterii is a deeper pink than either grandiflora or macrosiphon, so 
I think that mineis likely to be the realthing.

Thank you one and all.


Ina Crossley
Auckland New Zealand zone 10a

On 16/11/2013 11:34 a.m., Alberto Castillo wrote:
> Z. fosteri as it has been for  years in cultivation was distinct in that the color form selected, a glowing magenta pink, was selected in the wild among other color forms. Therefore if that unusual flower color is no longer around it is possible we have lost fosteri to cultivation.

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