Dear All, The items listed below have been donated by our members and friends to be shared. If you are interested in obtaining some of them, please email me PRIVATELY at Include "BX 352" in the subject line. Specify the NUMBERS of the items which you would like; do not specify quantities. It is a good idea to include your snail mail address, too, in case I don't already have it. Availability is based on a first come, first served system. When you receive your seeds/bulbs you will find, included with them, a statement of how much money (usually $2.00/share of seeds or $3 - $5/share of bulbs)(cash, check, or Pay Pal to <>; no money orders, please) you should send the PBS treasurer. Postage and packaging charges are added. Many of you are subscribers to this pbs elist which is free, but are not members of the Pacific Bulb Society which has a yearly membership charge. THIS BX OFFERING IS AVAILABLE ONLY TO MEMBERS of the Pacific Bulb Society. If you are not a member, consider joining so that you can take advantage of future offers such as this. Go to our website: <> If you would like to donate seeds or bulbs/corms to the PBS,(Donors will receive credit on the BX for the cost of postage for their donations.), please send CLEAN, clearly labeled plant materials to: Dell Sherk 55 W. High St. Salem, WV 26426 USA Non US donors should contact Dell for instructions before sending seeds. I WILL REPLY TO YOU WITHIN 24 HRS OF MY RECEIPT OF YOUR ORDER. IF YOU DO NOT HEAR FROM ME, TRY AGAIN !! From Robert Werra: (SEEDS) 1. Calochortus albus 2. Calochortus amabilis 3. Calochortus catalinae 4. Calochortus obispoensis 5. Calochortus uniflorus 6. Calochortus venustus, white 7. Calochortus weedii, yellow 8. Fritillaria affinis 9. Moraea bellendenii 10. Moraea pendula 11. Moraea polyanthos 12. Moraea tripetala 13. Moraea vegeta, tan 14. Moraea vegeta, yellow 15. Moraea vespertina 16. Moraea villosa 17. Romulea tabularis, blue/purple (CORMLETS) 18. Calochortus amabilis 19. Moraea ciliata, blue From Francisco Torres: (SEEDS) 20. Lilium pumilum 21. Tulipa kaufmanniana 22. Paris quadrifolia 23. Phalocallis (Cypella) coelestis 24. Gladiolus palustris 25. Belamcanda sinensis (Iris domestica) From Angelo Porcelli: 26. Seeds of Sternbergia lutea, large flowers From Rodney Barton: 27. Seeds of Camassia scilloides, ex Colin County, Texas From Mary Sue Ittner: (SEEDS) 28. Cyanella hyacinthoides - winter growing 29. Eucomis bicolor - summer growing 30. Freesia grandiflora - winter growing 31. Lilium maritimum - redwood forest coastal plant 32. Lilium pardalinum 'Giganteum' - seed from this plant which may be a hybrid between it and Lilium humboldtii or just a very large form, winter growing, summer flowering 33. Nerine platypetala -summer growing 34. Nerine sarniensis hybrids - winter growing 35. Sandersonia aurantiaca - summer growing 36. Tigridia vanhouttei - summer growing, individual flowers short lived, but mine blooms for months, flies pollinate it Thank you, Robert, Francisco, Angelo, Rodney, and Mary Sue !! Best wishes, Dell Dell Sherk, PBS BX