Thanks for the floral tube clarification on the Cooperia, Alberto. You are correct of course, the giant prairie lily has a shorter floral tube. The wide leaf difference is still likely to work for most folks growing these rain lilies because the original source for the plants in cultivation was probably the Austin and San Antonio area. A surprising number of species now common in horticulture were collected and distributed from here. I used to think it was a result of the concentration of plant geeks in Austin for the Universities (like me). Now I believe that any plant that has evolved to survive the extreme weather and dreadful alkaline clay soils here could be planted nearly anywhere and grown by the blackest of thumbs. The area has been a rich mine for horticulture. Thanks for the complements, I'm a long-time fan of your botanical wizardry! Monica Swartz randomly seesawing between the 90sF and freezing and back again, a typical fall in Austin, TX