Hi, I have nicely discovered I now have time to return to PBS emails after leaving the group a while ago. I've missed hearing about what's blooming where. Last weekend, we had the great pleasure of meeting Mary McBride in southern California and visiting her home/gardens for a nice tour. She had lots of packaged bulbs from a plant sale the day before and we left with some new selections and old friends. We and Mary share a similar interest in dry gardening with medit climate plants from California, South Africa, eastern Mediterranean Sea, Australia and more. Our gardens look very much alike. Western Horticultural Society's meeting this month features a talk by Dylan Hannon from The Huntington in southern California on Bulbs for the California Collector. Details at http://www.westernhort.org/ if you are in the area of Los Altos, CA. Fall seems to be bulb time here. Nice to be reconnected. Cheers, Bracey Tiede San Jose CA Zone 9B/10A/Sunset 16