Saffron Bonanza

Wed, 06 Nov 2013 13:17:39 PST
I too have noticed how well the saffron has flowered this year but unfortunately there has been so much rain that soon spoils the flowers if you are not quick to gather their styles.
I have used Crocus cartwrughtianus albus styles also and yes they are more fiddly and small.
This spring in Corsica I came across such amazing sheets of Crocus corsicus with varying sizes of flowers and styles that we harvested quite a lot. The flavour was milder but good. The colour was nowhere near as intense though.
No crocus species is toxic as far as I know, so one can assume that their styles are all edible too. But it is only C. sativus that has such intense flavour and colour on a larger style. 
I sometimes get migraine after eating saffron. But not always.
Haute Normandie,

" Message du 06/11/13 05:26
> De : "Makiko Goto-Widerman" 
> A : "Pacific Bulb Society" 
> One time I planted white saffron. I'm wondering if they are also edible."

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