Dear Joyce, We too had so many tree frogs this year. They were every where and every size and colour that it made me curious and I took many photos of them and researched them. It turns out that the colour variations are them responding to changes in tempeture and humidity. They went from the normal lime green to brown and some with shimmering flex of gold ( they looked like jewels). I also have learned that you can tell the health of an area by its bio-diversity and the frog is a key species. We know that frogs are vanishing every where ------- they are the first to disappear. So we feel very proud that we now see 2 species here when we saw none the first years. We have cleared property (because it had been left to over grow by aging owners), but we have immediately growen a more diverse tree and plant group in its place. I'm sorry to say our biggest threat pest is that they are looking at logging the land around us. We have no way to fight this. We have tried. Seems after all our hard work, I can co-exist with all manner of sharp clawed furry animal or slithering or burrowing creature, but man is the hardest to reason with. This is why I love nature, we need each other. Jyl Tuck