Hi Jim and Greg, We are working on this and we hope that within the next year we will have all of The Bulb Garden issues turned into electronic form and some will be made available in some way. In the meanwhile, we have a sample issue on the PBS webpage: http://www.pacificbulbsociety.org/news.html The Bulb Garden is one of the items received with paid membership to the society. Please consider joining the PBS to have access to the seed exchange and the newsletter. Best, Nhu On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 3:48 PM, J.E. Shields <jshields@indy.net> wrote: > It would be nice if the back issues of "The Bulb Garden" could be put on > the web site as PDF files after a suitable amount of time had passed after > publication. > > On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 3:52 PM, Greg Ruckert <greg@alpacamanagement.com>wrote: Are the back issues available for purchase? Greg Ruckert