Saffron Bonanza

James Waddick
Mon, 04 Nov 2013 22:21:46 PST
Dear Vijay and all, 

	I have heard it said that Crocus cartwrightianus is used as a saffron substitute*, but I confess I have never tried, grown or sniffed it. 

	Saffron is grown as a spice in many parts of the world. I understand that Spain and Portugal are the main producers in Europe, white various Himalayan countries also produce high quality spice. I believe it is grown commercially across a wide area from Turkey to Pakistan, also. I recall at one time a center of production in the US was in E. Pennsylvania where my bulbs originated.

	Harvesting is highly labor intensive and contributes to the high cost. 		Jim W.

ps*  A very unworthy substitute is the petals of the safflower flower. They impart a color similar to saffron, but alas no aroma or taste. It is very cheap and I suspect may be used to adulterate and extend the spice in some situations.

On Nov 4, 2013, at 9:38 PM, VIJAY CHANDHOK <> wrote:

> Jim, 
> Do the other saffron crocus also produce saffron? what is the difference from Sativus.
> Vijay

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