Hi, Mike, & Everyone, I am one of the people who sometimes asks people to make a PBS donation for certain seeds.. Many of us swap seeds privately, but often they are from quantities too small to share with the BX.. Swapping further contributes to the greater goal of geophite conservation as a hobby & at an environmental level.. I have swapped various things privately & as they produce seeds, the BX will benefit.. So no one looses : ) Some recalcitrant seeds like Calostema or some crinums from here in Australia or far away from Dell, sprout too fast for Dell to process for you all.. I'm in Australia & I have had no trouble receiving goodies from Del, i often see the message come early in the morning, but when lower numbers of seeds are donated, naturally many of us miss out, but only sharing & BX- ing over time can give us some of the rare treasures we dream of growing !!! So be pacient, the BX is a wonderful game of chance, luck & timing, so enjoy it & be thankful that some people have enough seeds to contribute, & do so because they care, take note of the sharer & say hello if you missed out on a special treasure the last few times & maybe they might save you one next season :) Steven : ) On 08/11/2013, at 7:36 AM, "Michael Mace" <michaelcmace@gmail.com> wrote: > Alberto wrote: > >>> Karl, the idea is that the seed and bulb exchange be made THROUGH the BX > and not privately, partly as a small compensation for all that PBS gives us > for nothing. > > The one time I received some extra seed directly from a BX contributor, he > asked that I make a donation to the PBS separately so we wouldn't be robbing > the organization of cash. I was happy to do so. > > Mike > San Jose, CA > > _______________________________________________ > pbs mailing list > pbs@lists.ibiblio.org > http://pacificbulbsociety.org/list.php > http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/