Native bulbs New Zealand

Youngs Aberdeen
Sun, 24 Nov 2013 14:36:04 PST
Alberto is correct - there are very few native
geophytes in New Zealand.

Iphigenia novae-zelandiae (Hook.f.) Baker
  in the Family Colchiaceae is, I believe, very rare!

However there are "naturalised" bulbs which have escaped into
the wild to the dismay of the country's Bio-security department.

The native flora of New Zealand, even without native bulbs,
  is  diverse and very beautiful - see the many  "Southern Hemisphere"
threads in the Scottish Rock Garden  Club Forum  - you will see
  wonderful photos of the plants and scenery of that magical country .  for  many of these threads
and also  in the Travel' places to visit area :
such as this latest thread :

You might also enjoy the extensive Bulb Sections in the Forum, too!

I wish you a very happy trip to New Zealand - I am sure you will love 
the country -
and its plants -  my husband has had the good fortune to visit and maybe 
one day I will too!
Maggi Y.

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