Concerning winter dormant Mexican species, a good friend asked why the newly described Z. orellanae was not in the list of Mexican spp. sent earlier. This is a species I had not grown or seen and therefore there is little I can say. Of course it is a winter dormant plant and coming from a hot region with strongly akaline soil. In the description the authors mention it differs from Z. citrina (that grows also in Yucatan) by the leaf width. In fact, both species are very different, Z. orellanae resembling more z. reginae or primulina but their native lands are so distant that this may all they have in common. When trying to ID your rainlilies it is most important to take three views of the flowers front view side view 3/4 this way chances will be high it could be given a name My suggestion is that first thing if you are interested in rainlilies become familiar with Habranthus tubispathus and learn how to ID it, then Z. grandiflora, then Z. candida, then Z. primulina, as those are most probably coming up everywhere first when other species are discussed. Two other species you have to know well are Z. rosea and Z. citrina as both names are consistently used and the true species not really known.