Saffron Bonanza

James Waddick
Mon, 04 Nov 2013 13:28:35 PST
Dear PBSers,

	On a dull, chill, windy - not nice day- in the 50s - i was finally moving piles of old weeds to the brush pile and happened by my small Crocus sativus, Saffron, patch.
Even under the cloudy dullness of the day, the warm purple glow of bloom caught my eye. I quickly dragged the cart of debris to a mid-point, went indoors for a suitable container and soon picked the stamens off of about 40 open blooms.  By then my finger tips turned orange and the scent was in the air.

	I’ll air dry these stamen indoors for a few days then pack in an air tight container. When the weather gets cooler a pinch of rich aromatic Saffron in a boiling pot of something good to eat will make my aching back a dim memory.

	This extremely expensive spice is so easy to grow here. I’ll probably pick another 40 blooms worth before they are done and that will more than pay for the cost of the bulbs, although they have repaid their costs many times over. Not too many bulbs that can actually pay for themselves.

	And I can still enjoy the flowers for a few days. What’s not to love about this easy crocus?		Anyone else grow and harvest their own?			Best		Jim W. 

James Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd
Kansas City, MO 64152-2711
Phone     816-746-1949

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