some variagation and virus remarks

Zonneveld, B.J.M. (Ben)
Wed, 21 Jul 2010 00:57:10 PDT
!. Not all viruses are causing sickness. Actually most viruses don't and
some may be even helpful.
2. It is known that in species crosses sometimes the nucleus does not
fit the chloroplast from the other species. This can result in a
variegated F1. I have seen this often in cacti.
3. Yes viruses can give stripes too.
4. If it is a virus you must be able to infect another plants by rubbing
( bring fluid from one to the other plant)

Ben J.M.Zonneveld
Nationaal Herbarium Nederland
POBox 9514
2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands
telf 071 5274738

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