>>>>>>Has anyone else grown the Eucomis autumnalis, dwarf form from Devon, >>>>>>I have a few different collections of "dwarf" E. autumnalis, but I >>>>>>have to say that, to date, this is my favorite. Has anyone else >>>>>>tested hardiness on this one? Hi Ellen, I can't remember sending Dawie seed but it's very likely I did, if so the plants came to me as Eucomis autumnalis 'White Dwarf'; and yes it's a cracking plant and very dependable to flower. The original plant was obtained from a private garden in Teignmouth, South Devon, in 2001. Haven't obviously really had to test the hardiness but the plants did well both in the ground and in clay containers. I've got a feeling that I found these to have come from a probable Dutch source, as I've either seen them sold as dry bulbs or have grown the same from a packet. Eucomis autumnalis 'White Dwarf' Height in Flower - 43cm Length of Flowering Head - 19cm Flower Diameter - 18mm Flower Colour - Pure white, shading green. Crown - Larger than width of inflorescence Leaf Length - 30cm Leaf Width - 5cm Nearly 50% of the spike is covered in flowers. The Eucomis I really used to rate were the ones that stood up for themselves and have over 50% of the scape covered in bloom. There aren't really that many that do this and don't need staking, but those that meet the criterior are exceptional plants. One of my all time favorites is a little bigger than 'White Dwarf ' but not by much, it's called Eucomis comosa 'Rose Selection', or as it originally came to me 'Roze Selectie'. Height in Flower - 43cm Length of Flowering Head - 25cm Flower Diameter - 24mm Flower Colour - lilac pink. Crown - Less than width of inflorescence Leaf Length - 57cm Leaf Width - 8.5cm Leaf Colour - Bronzey purple. Certainly one to look out for. Best Wishes, Dave