Tomas, This reminds me of a similar problem a few years ago when I was bidding for a new scanner for my office. I stopped bidding when it went beyond what I felt was reasonable. Later I received an email message that looked like it came from Ebay offering me a "second chance" for a similar scanner. The response was not through Ebay and that made me cautious. I later found out there were some fraudulent contacts with bidders and that this had nothing to do with the seller or Ebay. So please be careful when not dealing with a trusted source. It may just be someone trying to extract money or personal information that they can use for fraud. In your case it is possible that someone else miss represented themselves as the innocent seller and stole your money. The golden age of the Internet is over. One now has to keep up with anti virus and anti spyware as well as being suspicious of some email offers. Bob Bob Rutemoeller