Hymenocallis / Ismene

Judy Glattstein jgglatt@gmail.com
Mon, 05 Jul 2010 04:21:38 PDT
The International Checklist for Hyacinths and Miscellaneous Bulbs, KAVB, 
1991 edition:

Hymenocallis 'Sulphur Queen' - narcissiflora (Jacq.) J.F. Macbr. x 
amancaes (Ruiz Lopez & Pavon) Nicholson
Tubergen, 1830; flowers primrose-yellow, 6 per umbel, throat light 
yellow with green stripes. (2n=74)
F.C.C.-R.H.S. 1927

Ernest Chabot in his "How to Grow Rare Greenhouse Plants," published in 
1952, lists I. carribaea, winter flowering; I. occdentalis, 
spring-flowering; I. festalis. He then goes on to mention that "Several 
named varieties are also available. Sulphur Queen has light yellow 
blooms of rare beauty."

Interesting from an historical perspective, while 'Sulphur Queen' is not 
mentioned in John C. Wister's "Bulbs for American Gardens," published in 
1930, on page 209ff. in the chapter on tender bulbs he mentions 
Hymenocallis . . .  includes Ismene and goes on briefly "Some of them, 
macrostephana, speciosa, and caribea, are winter blooming, and should be 
treated like Crinums. They need a warm temperature and should be rested 
in the summer. Other species such as calathina, Harrisiana, Macleana, 
rotata and littoralis, require a cooler temperature but still greenhouse 
and they bloom in the spring and summer and rest in the winter. A few 
like lacera and galvestonensis are hardy in the Southern States and 
bloom in the spring." All of which perhaps indicates that this wide 
range of Hymenocallis / Ismene were to some extent available.

Judy in New Jersey where the La Nina summer has settled in with 
sunshine, high temperatures, and no rain

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