Hello All, I am having issues with the ant population in my new yard. I have tried every commercial product available in my area to no avail. Now whether I was not persistent enough or that they are more numerous than I can begin to imagine, I don't know. Have any of you had problems with or experienced ants eating your bulbs? My allium karataviense moved well and I have planted them last fall in the yard. They were well tagged and indeed I saw signs of growth typical to that allium this spring. And then it disappeared. I've grown these particular bulbs for years, without fail they come up, bloom and do their thing. I've yet to see them affected by late (really late) hard frosts, and we did not have one this year so that was not the problem. About a month ago I dug down where the bulbs had been planted and they were simply not there. No sign of rot, nothing. The tag was still there. These were good sized bulbs as well, a bit bigger than a golf ball. I tried an experiment about 2 weeks back. I planted bean seeds in the same spot that the allium were and at the same time some Swiss chard seeds a couple of feet away. They come up about the same time for me so thought this would be a good test. The Swiss chard is up and growing well, no sign of the beans. Do you think the ants ate my allium bulbs and the bean seeds? Do any of you have tips, ideas, solutions to get this ant population under some sort of control? I've even tried Borax mixed with honey, or peanut butter, or sugar. I've read and read online on possible solutions, nothing has appeared to work. Boiling water, while it does work (I think), well, it's a really big yard and there are more ant hills than I can count. Torching the entire yard is looking good. Spraying Windex does work on killing what is on the surface almost immediately however does nothing to kill off that #$*%@ queen. Hoping for a sure fire solution. Linda Foulis Red Deer, AB Zone 3