Hi Alan, xAmarygia hybrids are nice and they behave pretty much the same here in the Bay Area as they do in Australia, blooming later than A. belladonna. It is also interesting to note that some crosses of this hybrid will have a short pseudostem. There is a white one at the UC Botanical garden called 'parkeri' (http://flickr.com/photos/xerantheum/…) that produces beautiful large white umbels of flowers which radiates in all directions. The leaves in your photos look to me very much like virused amaryllid leaves. xAmarygia here don't tend to have those stripes. Since you can't import new bulb material into Australia, the nurseries probably propagate these plants vegetatively and thus all the offshoots will have the mosaic virus transferred. Nhu Berkeley, CA -- http://www.flickr.com/photos/xerantheum/ > What I am curious about, is that virtually every plant I have seen has > yellow streaked leaves.It made me think they are virused > but I am told by nurseries that sell them that this is normal. > Refer photos below of plants from a large clump at the Adelaide Botanic > Gardens. > > Appreciate comments and observations from PBS members regarding this > hybrid. > > > > http://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh115/… > > http://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh115/… > > Alan O'Leary, Adelaide > _______________________________________________ >