Lycoris: Withholding Ain't My Thing

James Waddick
Fri, 02 Jul 2010 09:59:12 PDT
>Hi All...particularly those into Lycoris,

Dear David.
	Guess that's me among others.

>I've had my Lycoris for years 'n' years and they've never bloomed for me.
>They've offset and multiplied...but never bloomed.

	Lycoris generally do not bloom well in pots. Instead they can 
multiply like crazy.

>Withholding water is really hard for me to do...I'm a compulsive
> I suspect I keep watering 'em right through what should
>otherwise be their dormancy cycle.

	Same here, but substitute Amaryllis belladonna.  I finally 
gave all my bulbs away.

>I came home and resumed my watering regine, which triggered the blooming
>cycle of what I found out were beautiful Habranthus robustus I'd been
>growing from seeds.

	Very typical response. I've fond that almost any rain lily, 
if I can with hold water for a week or two (also difficult), will 
fill the pot with flowers if watered heavily when they are about bone 

Any advice would be appreciated.

	First and most important -which species or cv of Lycoris are 
you growing?

	Are they in full sun or part shade?

	How big are the pots?

		Be glad to offer specific hints later.		Best 
		Jim W.

	ps all my Lycoris are fully dormant now, but won't bloom for 
at least 6 to 8 weeks. Now is a good time to dig and divide, but keep 
roots on and do not allow bulbs or roots to dry out.  Except is is 
too hot to go out and dig the things.

Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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