Hippeastrum cybister

Jacob Knecht jacobknecht@gmail.com
Wed, 28 Jul 2010 14:25:45 PDT
Hi Dell,

I purchased one from Telos Rare Bulbs in 2008 and while the bulb is 4.5cm
wide, it has bloomed twice and each time quite beautifully.  I do not
believe it is epiphytic.  The leaves on our plant are 40cm in length and 3cm
in width.  I have been growing it in full sun.  It has not (yet?) produced
offsets and I only let it dry out when it decides to drop its leaves.  No
doubt others with more experience can add more advice!


- http://www.flickr.com/photos/morabeza79/

On 28 July 2010 12:26, Dell Sherk <ds429@comcast.net> wrote:

> The most recent  BX offering included seed of Hippeastrum cybister
> contributed by Alberto Grossi. The offering was enormously popular. So I am
> wondering if Alberto and others among you who grow this species could help
> those who are to become its new parents. I have had the species for years,
> but must be doing something wrong because my bulb is only 3 cm wide and it
> has to be at least seven years old. I have recently been growing it in pure
> orchid bark, and it seems to like it  and has perked up and grown. Is it
> epiphytic? Does it reproduce by stolons?
> Any advice would  be appreciated.
> Best wishes,
> Dell
> Dell Sherk, SE Pennsylvania, z 6/7
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