My garden is in a cool and foggy area, so I am delighted to report today that Crinum xpowellii has opened its first flowers of the year. Also, the foliage of Amaryllis belladonna finally died back, so flowers should be along in a few weeks. Plants that survived last winter, to my surprise: a Eucomis, and two Lobelias (L. tupa and L. angustifolia). I knew the last had made it when I found vigorous small shoots a few months ago, but the L. tupa was rotting at ground level at that time, and I assumed it was an ex- plant. Also, a small clump of Eucomis came back--which I uncovered today, weeding my way through that flower bed. We had a long wet winter, and two cold periods, one to 10F. These plants are tough. Lilies are starting to flower here also, both native and hybrids. Kathleen