Linda asked, "Have any of you had problems with or experienced ants eating your bulbs? " Ants have long enjoyed the dry, warm environment of my bulb frames, and I often lift a pot and get stung badly when it turns out to have an ant colony in it. However, I have never seen any indication that ants eat bulbs. The only trouble I have from them is (a) they can take the soil away from the fine roots of dense shrublets such as Cassiope, causing the plants to die; and (b) they grab the seeds of plants, including geophytes, that have evolved to disperse their seeds via ants transporting them (e.g., Cyclamen, Colchicum, western Erythronium, Trillium), before I can harvest the seeds myself. In the latter case, they eat a structure on the seed and drop the fertile part of the seed somewhere, so that it often germinates and grows far from the parent plant. Jane McGary Northwestern Oregon, USA