The summer issue of The Bulb Garden has been sent out. Look for it in your mail box soon. In this issue Kathleen Sayce writes about legacy bulbs, and William McNamara and Howard Higson tell us about Quarryhill Botanical Garden in Glen Ellen, California, and its collection of Asian lilies.Our columnists, Robin Hansen and Marguerite English, discuss their favorite books relating to bulbs in the garden and in the wild. Once the current issue is in the mail, I start putting together the next one. It looks as if the fall issue has its complement of articles, but I'm always looking for ahead for future issues and for backup material. If you have a passion for bulbs you would like to share with us, please contact me. I'd like to continue to feature botanical gardens with notable bulb collections. Tell me about one you know of. What other subjects would you like to read about in TBG? In the meantime, enjoy the summer issue. Jane Merryman Co-editor TBG