x Amarygia leaves

Alan O'Leary aoleary@esc.net.au
Tue, 20 Jul 2010 04:19:57 PDT
xAmarygia ( Amaryllis belladonna x Brunsvigia josephinae) is a common and "old fashioned" bulb here in South Australia. 

It adapts well to our mediterranean climate and has naturalised in many areas - I have seen them growing and flowering at long deserted farm sites in poor soil.

They flower in Autumn (Fall) immediately after the A belladonna "naked ladies".

What I am curious about, is that virtually every plant I have seen has yellow streaked leaves.It made me think they are virused
but I am told by nurseries that sell them that this is normal.
Refer photos below of plants from a large clump at the Adelaide Botanic Gardens.

Appreciate comments and observations from PBS members regarding this hybrid.



Alan O'Leary, Adelaide

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