Lilium lancifolium "Flore Pleno", diploid etc. - BX

James Waddick
Sun, 04 Jul 2010 07:38:01 PDT
>The original Heronswood in Washington state was bought by Burpees,
>Lilium lancifolium is not listed.

Dear BX fans,

	I will be collecting stem bulbils from L. lancifolium Diploid 
Form, 'Flore Plena' and my "Giant"  for the BX. Since there is only a 
single 'Giant' plant, there are few bulbils, but there should be 
plenty of bulbils from the diploid and double. Watch for Dell's 
announcement in a few weeks.

  	There is some concern over L. lancifolium as a refuge for 
serious virus infection in lilies. Apparently symptoms are not 
visible in L.lancifolium, but can harm sensitive othe species and 
cultivars of lilies growing nearby. I have never seen symptoms of 
virus in my plants, nor in other lilies growing mixed in very 
closely. I live in a climate that is not kind to virus with extremes 
of heat, cold and drought. These might also be conditions that favor 
expressions of viral stress, but I have yet to see these symptoms.

	Just a warning for those who are concerned about the 
potential for introducing new lilies into their collection.

	Enjoying a bit of much need rain and craving still more. 
	Best and happy 4th to all		Jim W.

Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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