There was recently some comments on ants in pots. So when I found that the Dierama seedling which I am growing in a pot to give away, had ants, I tried my usual remedy for a lot of things, cinnamon. Please don't make fun of this, but I put it on the top as they were excavating around the growth, as well as in the saucer where they were very happily doing their thing. This was about 1 1/2 hour ago. Have just been to look at it again and there is no ant in sight. Others may want to try this. I actually use the cinnamon on my Amarylids (Zephyranthes, Habranthus, Hippeastrums) for that red spotted virus and it works very well, particularly on the Zephs and Habs. This is in the garden, I grow very little in pots. Ina Crossley Auckland New Zealand