Matt, Your unidentified Nerine is possibly Nerine filifolia. The grass like foliage looks like the picture 98 opposite page 67 in Wild Flowers of Southern Africa by Sima Eliovson, Seventh edition, 1984, ISBN 0 86954 088 2. Following is her description. See if it matches your plant. Remember, she's talking about the southern hemisphere seasons. N. filifolia (N. filamentosa) The most commonly grown species, this is a delightful, free-flowering plant. It is very easy to grow and flowers at a time when it is most appreciated, at the end of summer. The flowers last for 3 weeks from the end of February and into March. It has also been recorded in flower in January, May and June. The plants have several very fine, 8-inch long, grass-like leaves which rapidly form thick tufts. These are more or less evergreen, dying down for a short time in winter if they are not watered, but remaining evergreen if watered regularly. They should be watered particularly during the summer months. The flower-stalk grows to a height of about 10 inches and leans over at an angle. There are 8 to 10 1-inch flowers which are a pretty, pale, cyclamen pink. They deepen in colour during good rains. They transplant well and flower regularly, so that they can be depended upon to make a show even in the first year. This is a valuable edging plant, but should also be grown in broad patches at least 2 feet wide. The bulbs should be planted 2 inches apart for effect. They increase so well that there is no problem in obtaining sufficient plants for display. This species grows wild in the eastern Cape, Swaziland and the eastern Transvaal. N. filifolia var. parviflora has smaller flowers and thread-like leaves. It flowers in August and was found in the eastern Cape near Grahamstown (F.P.S.A., Vol. 15, Pl. 568) The plant formerly named N. filamentosa (F.P.S.A., Vol. 15, Pl. 569) is now regarded as a form of N. filifolia which is slightly larger in all respects. Kirby Fong