Nothing is in bloom in the hot, dry ground! Potted bulbs on the deck have at least a couple things blooming: Nerine hessioides has tiny pink flowers maybe 1/2 inch across. They are very reminiscent of N. gracilis, but the peduncles are only about 10 inches high, so the plant is a little more in proportion to its flowers. Gracilis has much taller scapes. I got rid of my N. gracilis years ago. Nerine filamentosa is starting to bloom, with one pot in flower an another in bud. Nerine [(filifolia x krigei) x ?krigei] has been blooming for a while and two more bulbs are putting up scapes. One pot of Nerine filifolia is putting up a bunch of scapes. There are a few scapes starting to come up on Nerine cf. angustifolia "Den's Dwarf." Three pots of Nerine sarniensis are in bud in the basement. I need to get them up into the greenhouse. More Cyrtanthus montanus are sending up scapes, and one overcrowded pot of Cyrtanthus sanguineus has two bulbs with a flower each open. Inside the greenhouse, more scapes are starting to appear on the pots of Haemanthus coccineus. Most of the bloom-size H. barkerae seem to be in bloom now. Three bulbs of Haemanthus [barkerae x coccineus] or the reverse are in bloom. Jim Shields in sunny and dry Westfield, Indiana ************************************************* Jim Shields USDA Zone 5 Shields Gardens, Ltd. P.O. Box 92 WWW: Westfield, Indiana 46074, USA Tel. ++1-317-867-3344 or toll-free 1-866-449-3344 in USA