Recently my Massonia depressa has been blooming for the first time from seed sowed fall 2002. I had remembered reading an article about how this species was pollinated by rodents (gerbils) at night and the elaborate system they had to discover this so I was fascinated to look at the flowers on my plant. I added some pictures to the wiki showing the plant, flowers, and nectar in a close-up.… And for those of you who might be interested I found that an article about the rodent pollination on the Internet including pictures of the animals at work. I'm very fond of the Massonias I grow. I was happy that Massonia jasminiflora that I was unsuccessful growing from seed (twice), that I subsequently purchased from Gordon Summerfield (with all the proper documentation) this year is now growing at the right time for my hemisphere and one even bloomed. There are pictures of this species on the wiki from Cameron McMaster. Mary Sue