Arisaema sikokianum

Rogan Roth
Fri, 05 Jan 2007 02:01:57 PST
Dear Arisaemaphiles,

I got very excited when I read the mail (included below) concerning the
Arisaema sikokianum seeds as I have grown this plant before and would
like to do so again. However, I cannot order any of the seed advertised
as I live in another country (South Africa).

So, if anyone one has a small quantity of fresh seed they'd be prepared
to export to South Africa please contact me by private e-mail. Of course
I would be prepared to pay for the seed and any postage costs incurred.

Thanks a lot and have a peaceful and successful 2007
Rogan Roth.

PS. I'm also seeking seed of Tropaeolum azureum - so please drop me a

>>>>My friend, Marsha Russell of Littleton, Massachusetts, had a bumper
crop of 
seed of Arisaema sikokianum this year (approximately 6000 seeds). 
offering up her fresh autumn 2006 seed harvest for sale for US domestic
orders, with 
deep quantity discounts.  Check this link for details: 

I think it was 4 years ago that I gave Marsha a dozen and a half
seedlings of 
the fabulous Japanese "Jack-in-the-pulpit"; Arisaema sikokianum. While
my own 
self-sown seedlings have been slow to mature (my garden is rather hot
sunny), in just 3 years in her garden/nursery, the seedlings exploded
magnificent flowering specimens with abundant seed set (her garden
conditions are 
more shaded and moist than mine).

Based on how rare it is to see seed of this species offered
this is a good opportunity to get some fresh seed at a reasonable rate.
species is somewhat variable, so be sure to check out the photographs
posted on 
the webpage link I provided above.<<<<

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