Seed imports to Oz

Ronald Redding
Tue, 23 Jan 2007 20:13:09 PST

I have found the same as Bill however on the very odd occassion packages are 
sometimes not inspected however $40 for a phytosanitary certificate is a 
bargain in my neck of the woods it is more like $200 our government charges 
by 15 minute brackets and I have to pay $70 travel costs even before they 

Just so you know do not start sending plants or seeds without the proper 
labelling to Australia I have had the feds go through my greenhouse because 
of gifts with the best of intentions. Once is usually dealt with politely 
with understanding however I would never want to go through the possibility 
of losing a collection that has taken so long and so much effort to get to 
see it destroyed before my eyes.

Kind Regards and Best Wishes
Ron Redding
Hervey Bay

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