I just noticed a typo in my earlier post. What appeared in my post was " Whether he meant to or not, Roger has raised the issue of the nature of certainly in science." What was supposed to appear was " Whether he meant to or not, Roger has raised the issue of the nature of certainty in science." I think I was the victim of Microsoft's automatic correction of certain words: try typing radiata or ciliata or any of a number of other words and watch what happens - very annoying. Jim McKenney jimmckenney@jimmckenney.com Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7 My Virtual Maryland Garden http://www.jimmckenney.com/ Webmaster Potomac Valley Chapter, NARGS Editor PVC Bulletin http://www.pvcnargs.org/ Webmaster Potomac Lily Society http://www.potomaclilysociety.org/