Hi everyone! This is just a short reminder: Many of you are now joining or renewing your PBS memberships for 2007. We have CHANGED the email address to which you direct your Pay Pal payments. (This applies to ALL payments you wish to make to PBS: memberships, renewals, BX, SX.) Please direct your payments to our treasurer Arnold Trachtenberg: Arnold@NJ.rr.com MEMBERSHIPS: US $20/year. International members: $25/year. (you can pay for any number of multiple years). IN ADDITION, we also have a method of paying thru Pay Pal that does NOT require you to set up a Pay Pal account if you do not already have one and do not wish to set one up. Please email Arnold for details - it is very simple and works great! It's fast and you get an instant receipt: Arnold@NJ.rr.com Thanks all, have a great week! Cathy Craig Pres - PBS CathyCraigEA@hotmail.com (949) 369-8588 Ofc and Fax