First flowers of the New Year -Leucojum

Roy Herold
Thu, 04 Jan 2007 17:18:34 PST
Leucojum vernum var carpaticum 'Podpolozje', as distributed by Janis 
Ruksans, is quite vigorous and a most enjoyable bulb here. This one has 
the normal green splotch replaced with yellow, and is one of the earlier 
spring bloomers, normally appearing here with the adonis in early April. 
I have never grown the regular green one for comparison, but see no 
reason to after seeing this one.

I started out with a single bulb in a raised bed about five years ago, 
and since then it has increased, been divided, seeded in, and is at 
least five locations in the garden ranging from wet to dry, sunny to 
shady. It likes them all. Highly recommended!

NW of Boston
Dry-ish location, oak woods.

Global warming update: 65F forecast for this Saturday. 'Podpolozje' is 
expected to bloom in February if this keeps up.

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