Happy New Year to all PBS members and list members, Once again, may I remind you to look at your records and see if you still owe for any of the BX shipments that you have received. We would like to start 2007 with a clean slate. After I have sent out the current BX (135), I will have to withhold future orders from people who are not paid up. Nagging like this is a part of the job that I would like to avoid, and it's dirty work, but someone has to do it! And while you have pen/computer in hand, why don't you go ahead and renew your membership for 2007, if it is due? Membership renewals are due as of today, January 1, 2007. If you are not sure what you have paid for and what you have not, please contact Treasurer, Arnold Trachtenberg <arnold@nj.rr.com> or Membership Director, Pat Colville <Pat.Colville@JHResearchUSA.com>. Soon, it will be possible to go to our website and click a button to pay by Pay Pal. (Our Pay Pal address has changed.) Stay tuned. In the meantime, if you would like to use Pay Pal to pay for dues or BX orders, simply access your Pay Pal account, click on the "Send Money" tab, enter our treasurer's email address < arnold@nj.rr.com>, and follow the simple directions. VERY simple! The latest membership directory has been printed and will be on its way to you tomorrow. And the next newsletter will follow soon after that. Best wishes for a prosperous and happy new year that is full of flowers and of bulbs and bulb seed to send to the BX, Dell Dell Sherk, Director, PBS BX