California Horticulture Society February meeting

Mary Sue Ittner
Fri, 19 Jan 2007 07:47:12 PST

This message is probably only relevant to Northern California members. The 
Cal Hort meeting on Monday February 19, 2007 is entitled Mostly Mariposas 
and will be a slide show and lecture presented by Ron Parsons. I've seen 
some of his pictures taken in the wild before and they are gorgeous. The 
item in the bulletin says he will "be discussing some of the amazing 
wildflowers he saw in 2006 with his usual focus on Calochortus, the genus 
that includes some of California's most beautiful natives. He traveled 
through northern California and southern Oregon on many trips with his 
co-author, Mary E. Gerritsen, to see as many species Mariposa Lilies, Globe 
Lanterns, Cat's Ears and Star Tulips as possible. (Note from MS, the common 
names for the various types of Calochortus). They also traveled to Jalisco, 
Mexico in August of last year to see some of the species of Calochortus 
there. Ron also traveled to Minnesota, Manitoba, Florida, Georgia and New 
York in 2006, to see and photograph wildflowers, and will show some 
highlights of those trips. Mary and Ron are the authors of the current 
Timber Press title, "Masdevallias - Gems of the Orchid world" and have a 
second book in press, 'Calochortus - Mariposa Lilies and their Relatives' 
which will be released in June of 2007."

I've announced Cal Hort meetings in the past on this list. There is usually 
a garden walk at 4, a no host dinner at 5:30 followed by announcements, a 
plant forum where people describe plants that they are growing, and the 
program at 7:15. I've had a chance to meet members of this list at these 
meetings and to visit over dinner which has always been such a treat. Even 
though this is a busy time of the year for my husband we hope to find time 
to attend this meeting and once again meet with some of you.

Mary Sue

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