Progress report - addenda

Lauw Dejager
Mon, 15 Jan 2007 02:10:37 PST
  I follow your garden tours with interest. The T. clusiana or just showing
here as well. Indeed they have a very fine red rim on the margin of the
leaves. Apart from this forma clusiana I have planted several other clusiana
forms such as stellata (Lady Jane) and 4 diniae forms. Interesting to see
wether this red rim is typically for f. clusiana.

Lauw de Jager
South of France (zone 8 Olivier)
 at the moment springtime temperatures 18-20°C

le 15/01/07 0:01, Jim McKenney à a écrit :

> Last summer a friend gave me some bulbs of Tulipa clusiana ­ the old
> presumably pentaploid running form. I saw her plants the other day: several
> square yards with scattered rosettes of glaucous foliage with a fine red
> rim. Does anyone else grow this? 

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