
Jim McKenney
Tue, 30 Jan 2007 13:09:44 PST
Mark, I forgot to mention that of your list of species which you find
especially rewarding for pot culture, I am currently growing bulbifera,
aloides in two forms, carnosa, mutabilis, liliflora, splendida and
pustulata. So I'm off to a good start!

Lachenalia mutabilis, L. carnosa, L. aloides forms are about finished now;
L. pustulata and  L. liliflora are in advanced bud or showing color. 

Two not on your especially rewarding list, L. contaminata and L.
orthopetala, are also in bud now.  

I forgot to ask one other question: which easily managed species have the
best foliage? Back when Mary Sue had a topic of the week on bulbs with good
foliage, I had not grown Lachenalia; now that I have, I realize that there
some great foliage plants in this group.  

Although not exactly beautiful (I'm trying to keep in mind that beauty is in
the mind of the beholder, but I'm sure there is a wide variety of minds out
there, too) , the foliage of Lachenalia pustulata is very interesting. The
other day I was moving the plants, and one of the very floppy leaves of this
species was accidentally cut off. It lay around my room for a day or two,
and then I picked it up and was amazed to see how much it was like a toy
rubber snake or belt: it has a very odd, rubbery quality. It's something the
Marx Brothers could have had a lot of fun with. 

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where Crocus ancyrensis out
in the garden has buds up.

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