Hi Geoffrey, thanks for adding this. I always go to the list before I buy seed to see what is allowed into the country in the way of seed. . I've received amaryllis seed, sprouting from South Africa in the past as well, but I cannot now recall whether these parcels were inspected, although they did have the necessary stickers on them. I think we have a great system here - we have enough weedy plants already escaped here into the bush and we don't need any more. regards, Bill Richardson, Ixia King Summer 7c. to 32c. at present West Gippsland, Victoria, Australia ixia@dcsi.net.au http://www.angelfire.com/ri/ixia/ "Almost any garden, if you see it at just the right moment, can be confused with Paradise" Henry Mitchell > However, I would clarify Bill's comment in response to Lee that we have 'no such restrictions'. We cannot import any plant material listed as prohibited on AQIS's Import Conditions Database (ICON) http://aqis.gov.au/icon32/asp/… These are mainly plants which naturalise easily to become weeds. Also, we can only have one species in a packet and the seed must be clean (ie out of the berry/no dirt) and be labelled with the botanical name. Oh, and seeds cannot be sprouting...a bit tricky with some of the Amaryllis seeds.