On 29-Jan-07, at 10:42 PM, Angela and Dean wrote: So does that mean most of us would have to eat half a kilo of the stuff (ie over 1 pound?) > >> From what I have read, a lethal dose is 1% of the body weight. > Robert. Since I brought up the topic, I figure I'd better Google the lethal dose. Cows take 1.5 to 2 hours to die if they eat 3.3 mg/kg of body weight. ( 1 to 2 lbs of fresh leaves) Mares take 30 to 40 minutes to die if they eat 15.5 mg/kg body weight ( 4 to 5 lbs of fresh leaves) Adult human: 6 to 8 fresh leaves reported as lethal And to think I used to see its seeds for sale in some small California seed companies. I can't imagine why.