Thumbnail support for Wiki

Diane Whitehead
Thu, 18 Jan 2007 08:48:13 PST
Mark wrote:
[mouse-over] is a thoughtful addition for those that are visually or  
motor or cognitively disabled.

I made the change to many of the A genera last night and just added a  
minimal amount of text for the mouse over box - only enough to  
produce the thumbnails.

It is a lot more work to make the mouse over text meaningful. It  
requires thought, not just an addition of a few keyboard strokes.  I  
am not inclined to change masses of images if I need to think of  
something worthwhile to write - last night I left out Allium for  
later but now I feel daunted at the prospect.

The mouse over works now - I'm using Safari - but I can't see how it  
would be helpful for someone disabled in any way as Mark suggested.   
My mouse over text is  smaller than the normal text on the page and  
is fleeting.  Also, I have to mouseover in the exact middle of the  
thumb, and it is a fiddle to do this. Then it's gone, and the next  
time I try it I can't get it to work - it must be tired.  I can't see  
that this would be a worthwhile way to access information.  I would  
much rather have text that stays still on the page so I can read it.

Diane Whitehead

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