crinum bulbs

Norman Rose
Mon, 29 Jan 2007 19:43:56 PST
 Hello everyone,
I was surprised when my local nursery had some crinum
powellii & nerine bowdenii. I have wanted to try both
of these this year, so I bought them. When I got home
and looked in my sunset garden book I was surprised.
The book said to plant the crinum in fall or spring.
For the nerine they said plant between August &
December. Finally the question.  If I am going to be
putting these in containers should I wait until
spring? (will they rot or dry out) or plant now. I
live in San Jose Calif. zone 9. If I plant now should
I take the containers out during the day and bring
them in at night, or leave  inside until they sprout.
Here in San Jose days are from mid 50's- low 60's
Nights are 38-45.
thanks much
Norman Rose
zone 9 San Jose California

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