Thumbnail support for Wiki

Jay Yourch
Wed, 17 Jan 2007 20:50:16 PST
Hi all,

This is something I have wanted for years and I finally got around to doing 
something about it.  I changed the php code that runs our Wiki so that it can 
automatically generate thumbnails and display the full sized image when clicked.

I have only changed one page so far, although I know that Mary Sue has also been 
experimenting.  We'd like everybody to try it out and report any problems your 
web browser has with displaying the thumbnails.  Suggestions and pats on the 
back are welcome too!

Here's the link:…



Here's the new syntax to use when you want the Wiki to generate a thumbnail:

    photoURL is a web link an image file (with extensions of .gif, .jpg, .png).
    mouseOverText is the text you want to display when the mouse pointer is over 
the thumbnail.
    A pipe character, "|" is placed between photoURL and mouseOverText.
    The whole thing is placed between matched square brackets, "[]"

The Wiki will generate html that tells the browser to display:
    An 80 x 80 pixel version of photoURL (a thumbnail) on the Wiki page.
    The mouseOverText when the mouse pointer is over the thumbnail.
    The full sized image when the thumbnail is clicked.

'Ajax' closeup]

Note that reversing the parameters, as in [mouseOverText|photoURL], displays the 
full sized image instead of a clickable thumbnail. 

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